Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

Its true that ribbon tweeters and folded ribbon tweeters are two different though related things.

That’s about as much as I know about it other than that folded ribbon tweeters tend to be more directional than domes and I’ve heard really good sound come from both set up well.

Its also true that I think Bo needs some human interaction training to go along with his hifi expertise. If I were his manager I’d stick him back behind that curtain with a gag in his mouth.

Much earlier I asked a question about what gear you use/recommend? Your response, best that I could discern as it was so convoluted, was that you considered that information exclusive and proprietary. Now we discover, thanks to detective work by ct0517, that your system is comprised of excellent gear, yet gear that is available to mere mortals. 

Now that that mystery is unraveled, please answer the last question that I asked:
How does S.A.P. eliminate early reflections (such as those from your uncovered wood flooring) that smear time coherence?

......your head is 2 dimensional lol :)
Do you seriously think that some crappy messed up network player can compete with Marantz SA-1?
I have owned the Olive 06HD as I have loads of other digital. Olive is sonically light years from SA-1.
And yes I have also done a lot of shootouts from Accuphase to Zanden.
As for Pass X150 I sold it over 10 years ago. For it´s used price it is great amp. Much better than some alephs.


I looked at the stereophile article and I am entirely correct. The folded ribbon AMT style tweeter is indeed too large for the high frequencies it is producing.  Although not an Appolito design for this particular model, MA have used this style frequently.

In short, none of what you have said or alluded too (including insults of other people's systems/approach, or their manliness and your exclusivity to truth) indicate anything other than you are a narrow minded shrill for MA.

Your all are such gentlemen/women, I have a whole different attitude towards anyone whose main message is that what you own is crap, whether it is or not.  Having to believe that one's own opinion and material things are superior than everyone else's is a symptom.

But he will keep on saying it, over and over.  Bo, stay on Europe's A'gon.