Looking to build a system for under $5k


I am brand new to audio and looking to put a system together for around/under $5k all in. Any recommendations?

This would be mainly for CD audio but expandable for phono in the future. I have a small bedroom that I am dedicating as a music room upstairs in a cape cod style home. So it has angled walls that follow the roof line.

Looking for components that offer the biggest bang for the buck. I've done some research over the last couple of months and it seems like the Vandersteen 1Ci might be a good cornerstone to design a system around.



My 1st suggestion is to purchase a copy of "The Complete Guide to High End Audio" by Robert Harley. Begin with reading the first couple chapters.

Have you heard the Vandersteen 1Ci speakers? I agree they are a good candidate for your proposed system, however you won't know without a listen. Regarding audio shows or dealer demo, I believe one should use then to get a better feeling for what sound qualities one prefers in a speaker than which pair to buy. This is especially true for one new to audio.

At your budget, and you can put together a very nice system. I agree that you should search for speakers that are at least of moderate sensitivity, 88dB and 8 ohm, therefore not needing excessive power. However I don't agree that it is necessary to spend half your budget on speakers. SPeakers have much to say about the character of a system, however the quality is determined by the balance of all components.  

I also believe you should purchase an integrated amplifier. There are many of recent vintage that would serve your budget. I would look for a used, however not too old one in the $1000- $1500 range. Are you willing to purchase used?

Regarding the digital source, do you have a collection of CDs? Are you looking to stream audio off internet radio? 

Yes, I have provided more questions than answers, however to best help we need to know. 

Take your time with this and I am sure you will be end up with a high quality system.
It seems to me that the OP wants to get a good system without having to go through the somewhat lengthy process of educating oneself in audio.  And I can sympathize with the reluctance.  After all, look at the diverging opinions in this thread alone.  Perhaps the OP is pretty busy too, it surely happens.  

I'll add my disagreement and say that I think that 5k is a serious chunk of change to spend on a first system.  Also, the room is cozy and not huge, which dictates things somewhat.

One other item is that the OP will have preferences in regards to sound that he apparently does not know about yet.  So, step one should be the speakers, and with music one is familiar with.  Audition the Vandersteens mentioned in post one.  Compare them with others to get an idea of what sounds best.  

I'm not convinced that the Vandersteens would be the best speaker for the types of music the OP prefers.
Audionoobie - another option (as opposed to a high end audio show) is a mini vacation to a major city such as NYC.  Within 50 miles there are multiple dealers representing a wide variety of brands.  You can visit their listening rooms where, chances are, you can see gear in your price range and hear them in a more optimal listening environment.  Pair this with some tourism and a few top restaurants and you will have a pretty good time (I took my own advice last summer).
@ sjtm- I did that a few years ago, flew out to Seattle for a four day weekend and visited every hi-fi shop in the city. Good advice.

An audition is always best. There will be there will be some shows coming up soon depending what area you are in. I joined a local audio club recently and they are always showing different audio products at the monthly meetings. There are only a few real audio retail storefronts lefti these days.