Looking to build a system for under $5k


I am brand new to audio and looking to put a system together for around/under $5k all in. Any recommendations?

This would be mainly for CD audio but expandable for phono in the future. I have a small bedroom that I am dedicating as a music room upstairs in a cape cod style home. So it has angled walls that follow the roof line.

Looking for components that offer the biggest bang for the buck. I've done some research over the last couple of months and it seems like the Vandersteen 1Ci might be a good cornerstone to design a system around.



Lots and Lots of advice.  I did not read it all but I would say start with older components.  There are so many great speakers that were considered very good 7-10 years ago that you can find.  Aerial 10Ts, B&Ws, Kef 105s, Kef 104s, Alons, and Vandersteens, etc.  They are great for your type of music.  There are a ton of amp options that will give you great sound, from NAD, Rotel, (too many to name) on up, I would find one of these amps that can power the speakers you settle on.  Spend money on the source.  IMO this is the key to getting the best sound.  You want a 10 sound you need a 10 source not the other way around.  Consider SS preamp or tube preamps (Counterpoint, ARC, CJ) depending on what you prefer.  There are so many good preamps in either camp that you can find used.  This will keep you within budget and you can swap out buy/sell without money issues as you move forward.  I have a friend who goes to estate sales.  He finds older gear at CHEAP prices.  For example B&W DM2 speakers for $40/pair, KEF 105s for $50 pair.  Hard to beat the sound of these for the price.  Happy Listening.     

I've been following all of the posts in this thread. Thank you so much to everyone that contributed. I wasn't looking for anyone to do the work for me as a couple posters indicated. I just wanted a few brands that I could stick a pin in and say, "yes, I'm familiar with that brand."

Being that I live in New Jersey it seems there are ample show rooms to begin checking out some gear. I plan on starting with Audio Connection in Verona, NJ within the next couple of weeks.

Again, thanks to all for your valuable opinions and advice. I'll post back once I've had a chance to demo a few systems!


Johnny R is one of the most knowledgable and trustworthy dealers you will find. He is also smart in that he focuses on brands that are likely to pass the test of time. After you visit with him, you will have a high standard on which to compare others. Cheers,
Spatial Audio M3 Turbos, a PS Audio Sprout, and a decent CD transport can keep you well under $5k.  AQ cables.  Done.

I'm running a Sprout with M1 Turbos, and loving it.  Old Theta Pearl transport, old MIT cables.  Li'l Sproutie has plenty of power to blow you out of the room with the highly-efficient M3s.
You can buy a lot of good quality used gear for $5K.

Here's an example of a system that would allow you to get into playing digital files at some future date. Total spend on gear is estimated at $3,550, and decent (but not high end) cabling at $1,450. For cabling, there are a lots of used deals in the price range I quoted.

All prices for the gear below has been found on either Audiogon or USAudioMart. With a bit of negotiation, you could pay less.

Doge 8 tube preamp - $1,000
Teac UD-501 DAC - $600
ADCOM GFA-555 monoblocks (600 W) $550
Denon DVD-2900 SACD/CD player $200
Yamaha NS-1000M speakers  $1,200

Sub-total: $3,550
Wireworld Equinox 7 speaker  $500
RCA interconnects (3 x $250) = $750
 Coax (digital) cable $200

Sub-total: $1,450

Grand Total: $5,000

Enjoy the search!