I want to hear what you have to say bout my HT

Let's hear your opinions. This is a dedicated HT with 70/30 (HT/Music) usage. The room is a 25x16ft perfect rectangle with 15ft ceiling.
Projector: Infocus 4805
Screen: Dalite motorized 92"
Pre-amp: CAL 2500 SSP
Video Switch: CAL 2500 VP
Digital 1: CAL 2500 DVD
Digital 2: Sony NS 999ES - SACD
AMP: CAL 2500 MCA (500w x 5)
Interconnects: Jon Risch Belden DIY
Power Conditioner: Monster 3500
Front Speaker: B&W Nautilus 805
Center: B&W Nautilus HTM2
Rear: B&W DM 602S3

Ok, i'm ready to get smashed with your complement/critiques/whatever. Let's hear what you have to say.
Sacman, how does your system sound to you? Whats improvements, if any, do you think that you need?
I finally had time to set up my system at my new place. I upgraded to 804N and move the 805N to the rears. After much regret from selling it in the first place, I bought another CAL Icon MKII with PowerBoss to use as source.
"That Monster Cable PLC has got to go! Also what are you doing for Power, Resonance Control, and Acoustics? You might only be hearing half of what your system is capable of" (Aroc)

Yeah, well none of that really helps you. Personally, having sold those 805's for a living, retail, you'd get better dynamics, focus, and impact with a more efficient set of mains, preferably with dual mid/woofs, and higher efficiency, yes. You still need to run those as "small", but still. Yep, you need a sub or two as well.
Projector? Do you like what you see. There's better out there for cheap these days, and getting better. But on a small screen, many like the 4805.
However, if you do stay with your gear, at least your speakers work ok in that room acoustically, with tall ceilings and all, for more dirrect sound vs. reflected from ceiling. Make sure of carpet between you and the speakers however. Yes, buying subwoofer(s) will greatly help dynamics in your system, and is a must.
If you like it, that's all that matters. I haven't heard or seen your HT, therefore my opinions are invalid.
Yeah, I've heard his system, and know what it does and doesn't do compared to others. The sound is overall smooth, clear, and "audiophile sounding" mostly, so things are nice and clear sounding. Dynamics bumps up greatly with a Dappolito configured dual-woofer design, and more efficient designs by enlarge. Being that passive speakers need all the dynamic help they can get, there's better dynamic realism, engergy, impact, and weight to be had elsewhere, if that's important to you. (and it's critical to me...cause that's where the thrill and emotion lies)
Also, better focus and solidity of image, dialog intelligebility is available. The counter to the typical 805 design is that people think this design sound more open and pretty for pressentation. That, without the proper acoustics ends up sounding to polite, laid-back, open, faint, and soft sounding for HT dubties...quite the opposite of a good theater speaker setup. To each his own.
Still, in his room, if he is to use those speakers, they work good overall, due to hearing more direct sound vs. relected, with the high ceilings.
I like the Cal Audio stuff here as well.