Graphene spray and ...

Graphene film is here and I feel potentially incredibly interesting for our hobby.
Magico is coating their 7.5 inch speaker with graphene. Does anyone know 
what method they use?
Maybe, just maybe, Magico copied the technique Synergistic Research uses to coat the Black fuse with Graphene.

graphene is just the newest buzzword for trolls to use on the technically inastute victims

there are many more in the scientific literature

an incorrect answer as sputtering is for conducting materials, like metals

Huh? Graphene is one of the most conductive materials in the universe. Which is why it's used to shield the SR Black fuse from RF and to improve conductivity in Graphene cables. Hel-loo!

Kind of OT, but does anyone know the name of a new material with similar properties to Graphene?

I was reading about it a few months ago, but lost the links.
