Are USB-SPDIF's relevant with today's DAC USB technology?

I'm using a PS Audio Digital Link 3 DAC connected with a M2Tech HiFace 2 from my PC.
I could try to squeeze more out of the DL3 by getting a higher end converter, like an Audiophilleo with PurePower.

I would eventually upgrade the DAC to a more current model, such as a NuWave DSD or alternative in the price range.

The question is how important are good USB-SPDIF's converters in todays market?
Would the Audiophilleo serve me well in the future with newer DAC's, or am I wasting money and better off just getting a NuWave DSD and connect with USB directly?


IMHO, those adapters are a waste and you'd be better off investing the money in a quieter source vs. a PC. Sure a better DAC is always going to make an improvement too. Try thinking where you want your digital rig to be in 3-4 years and I bet it's hard to envision a scenario where USB-SPDIF adapter is part of the chain. 
Read up on the CA CASH list for general ideas where this stuff is headed and plan from there...Cheers,
For that kind of money, I would consider a Schiit Dac. They have many models, all of which would out perform your PS DAC or Audiophillo.
My 2 cents
I agree that upgrading beyond the HiFace for a PS DLIII is probably not a wise investment. I used this combination in the past. Then went to a Bryston BDA-1 with Audiophilleo 2 W/Pure Power.  That was 4 years ago and I still use it today.  Recently I purchased a used Wyred4Sound DAC2. I haven't had a chance to do a critical compare against the BDA-1 A2PP combo. I suspect they will sound different, however one may not be declared better across the board.

I do believe converters have a place when paired for computer purpose with many of the older hi end DACs known for having solid power supplies and output stages. Buying a new DAC today, to include use with computer audio, I would look for one having quality USB implementation built in.