When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?

Of course I know my own story, so I'm more curious about yours.  You can be as succinct as two bullets or write a tome.  
I have had more than the last 30 years to compare, no ambiguity on my part

Same with me. Perhaps I just got lucky with my choice of components.
I tried to listen to LPs on a few occasions, at some dealers setup. And these setups were comparable, dollar-wise, to the digital rig in the same system, or my system. When you compare the dollar-wise investment in analog and digital, I found the digital to be so much more better than analog. You really have to spend quite a bit of money if you have to get at the same level or surpass that level, in analog. I also head great sounding analog rigs, but they cost at least 4-5 times the digital equipment that dealer had. And at that level, the cables, power distribution, etc is also of higher quality. So not sure if it was just the analog player that made the difference.
And with 2 kids, their activities, etc, it would be a pain to maintain analog.
 The assumption here is that all modern music is digital and all mastered the same. Its not.

@atmasphere great point! thanks
he's right -- dragging a rock across bumpy plastic is not ideal tho a LOT of R&D has gone into it and made it much better than when it started

worse, the rock degrades the plastic every time

a well-recorded CD sounds better and can be replayed millions of times with no degradation - try listening some time

not to mention that high bit rate/depth delivery could be better than a CD

best thing to do is replace your speakers

if your speakers already cost over $35,000 then build a new listening room, and attach a house to it

I had to spend quite a bit (vinyl rig is about $10K) before my vinyl rig beat digital, and I have not spent a comparable on digital.  I can't say I've ever heard a topline mbl or dcs system.  It isn't likely that I will ever spend $10k + on a dac, or have the opportunity to do leisurely comparisons to lp in my own system. I therefore don't have a valid basis for comparison.

with my current systems, cd is for background, lp is for enjoying the sound.