For a quick good time, blankets...

and pillows.

Try them! On the floor, between the speakers and between them and your listening chair.

You may discover your speakers are capable of more than you thought.


Candidly, some of my favorite listening is while being covered in a down duvet. Rather than go off the rails, I'll support the premise of the OP.

Thanks !! Of course, this is far beyond where I meant to go.

I hope however that more audiophiles experiment with room acoustics which can be done for nearly zero cost. I think any who haven't yet done so in their audio education could be in for a real learning experience.

I do think that wearing a padded Winnie the Pooh outfit while listening would be taking the idea a bit far!


Brings up an interesting thing I notice in audio magazines...the always wireless and generally ampless and everything elseless cool man speakers in cool man modern rooms for advertising pics. It's as if your wealthy neighbor liked the looks of your Ferrari Red Wilsons so much he broke into your place and took the damn things up to the penthouse and just put 'em in there. Along the glass walled living area with no rugs and a view of the rooftop pool maybe. They hire ad agencies for this stuff of course, but I want to see piles of gear with gigantic cables, bass traps, ugly egg carton diffusers, and a grumpy looking trophy wife…just once...
Yep, at least one Stereophile reviewer has no room treatments at all, and constantly bemoans the poor bass response in his room, but that's how he reviews $100k+ speakers.
