What Will Happen to Your Music Collection and Equipment When You.......

Not to sound morbid, but being a realist...what do you plan on doing with your collection and equipment before leaving this planet? (if you have a chance!) I have no heirs, and I have been collecting vinyl since I was 13 or so (am now 61) and buying CDs. I know I will continue to seek out and buy. As we all know...a collection is very personal and literally represents a lifetime of searching, finding, enjoying and just plain fun! It is part of a lifestyle that includes many, many concerts since I was 15. How do you even go about placing a value on a music collection? True, the real value is the enjoyment of it, and I guess monetary value is secondary. I like my equipment, but it is nowhere near and dear to my heart as the music. I guess one could sell the collection to a used store, and let it be recycled once again to music lovers, or you could ebay it, or pass it on to other family members or friends. I would just like the joy I have received from it to be experienced by others as it is just a wonderful thing. Just curious as to what others thought about this....thanks!

I am taking mine with me, don't know what to expect when I get to where I'm going so am not taking any chances. Who knows they might have Wayne Newton on constant repeat.

If I'm fortunate enough to know ahead of time, I'll wait as long as I can and then contact someone who'd actually appreciate my system and just give it to them. My CD collection would go to the local library.

If I go all-of-a-sudden, my sister and brother in law can figure it out.

All the best,
Oh, just the thought of someone messing with my system and my music collection (even after I'm dead) makes me want to die...
I actually faced the possibility a few years ago. Fortunately, I've been blessed with good health since then.
A friend and audiophile agreed to sell-off my equipment. He knows the value and conduits for selling. 
The albums are more difficult. Through the years I've acquired some valuable LPs, either by purpose or accident. I avoided the painful task of sifting through 1000s of LPs and identifying those that realistically hold significant value.  I still haven't done that. I'm really not sure how to disperse them - some, to family, others auction as a whole?.... 

moofoo -

start talking w/ like-minded individuals that will oversee your wares and collection.  If that is not your thing, leave your music collection w/ a local library or college radio station.  Happy Listening!