Have you tried old Ortofon M20FL (fine line) against your new 2M Black? Or Stanton 881s mk2 or maybe 981 (stereohedron) which kills 2M for much less money.
I wish i could come up with my Audio-Technica AT-ML170 and AT-ML180 VM OCC from the 80’s. It would be nice to compare ART9 MC to the best AT’s vintage MM, they are in the same price range today, but the technogy has changed. Look here how the diamont mounted on the cantilever. Those two AT-ML models are the ultimate MMs ever, hard to imagine today price for them if AT could make them, their new MMs are far away from their top products from the 70s/80s, so why their new MC must be better?
Those vintage AT-ML 170 and AT-ML180 VM OCC are much better than newly made ART2000 MC i have owned (it was good cartridge too).
So i’m curious why not compare Audio-Technica’s own stuff to find out what is better. At least they are from the same family tree.
I also believe that comparisons to the Ortofon 2M black are valid and significant because it is a highly regarded, high value, universally praised cartridge by critics and consumers alike.
Have you tried old Ortofon M20FL (fine line) against your new 2M Black? Or Stanton 881s mk2 or maybe 981 (stereohedron) which kills 2M for much less money.
I wish i could come up with my Audio-Technica AT-ML170 and AT-ML180 VM OCC from the 80’s. It would be nice to compare ART9 MC to the best AT’s vintage MM, they are in the same price range today, but the technogy has changed. Look here how the diamont mounted on the cantilever. Those two AT-ML models are the ultimate MMs ever, hard to imagine today price for them if AT could make them, their new MMs are far away from their top products from the 70s/80s, so why their new MC must be better?
Those vintage AT-ML 170 and AT-ML180 VM OCC are much better than newly made ART2000 MC i have owned (it was good cartridge too).
So i’m curious why not compare Audio-Technica’s own stuff to find out what is better. At least they are from the same family tree.