Straightening Bent Fins

I purchased a huge Krell amp that arrived yesterday! (Used) It all seems OK, but it shifted in the box, and one of the fins was bent. You may as well know it was the one in the front! This is a 130 pound amp, so it's got a pretty good curve in the fin. I know this is a fairly common thing to happen during shipping. It's not severe enough that I don't want the amp, I'm not gojng to send it back over one bent fin. But I ask everyone out there, has anyone ever had any luck straightening a fin? Any advice on the best way to go about it? I don't want to break it off, or scratch it up. Any experiences good or bad, let me know what you think. 
You could try to buy a non functional FBP-600 and use it for parts, if Krell is unable to source the fins.
After I have lived with the amp for over a week now, I am not quite as upset about the fin as I once was. But I'd still like to fix it, to maintain the value of the piece. And there are 3 heat sink plates per side Jetter, the 300's have 3 per side and the 600's have 4 per side. 

Im not sure, but the heat sinks on the later FPB models may be the same? On the C and Cx models? So perhaps Krell will still have them in stock? Anyway, I've sent an email to Tech Support at Krell to inquire about a new heat sink, I suppose it's a holiday weekend for them, so hoping to hear from them later this week. I was an electronic tech in a previous life, so am confident I can make the swap. 

You may be right ebm, I'm sure it affects the value. But the original exterior box was undamaged, and I guess I wasn't up to the hassle of returning it over what seemed like a small thing at the time. But, I love the amp, it sounds amazing, and other than that fin I am very happy with it. If it's the last amp I ever own, then it's accidemic.

I emailed Krell, and have not received a return message. I have the worst luck with manufacturers. Everyone goes on and on about how great Krell is, and they won't even respond to a polite, simple question? I'll call them on the phone, perhaps I'll have better luck. 

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