Feedback through turntable

My system consists of a McIntosh C2300 preamp, MC452 amp, MCD500 SACD player, VPI Aries 3D with Ortofon Cadenza MC cartridge, Manley ChinookSE phono stage, PS Audio P5, Sonus faber Cremona Auditor M speakers and REL B1 Sub bass system.  My issue is with turntable use only; SACD has no issues.  On my pre when volume is +55 (peak at 45watts) I start to get feedback through the turntable - a sort of low freq sound, back off volume and it goes away.  My Auditor M speaker is about 3 ft away and in front of turntable.  I do have a rumble filter (KAB) installed between preamp and phonostage to help with sub woofer pumping.  Due to room layout I cannot rearrange the setup/move turntable.  My turntable is on a 2.5" block of wood and that sits on 4 isolation blocks via spiked feet.  Any thoughts how I can eliminate this problem?  Harry Weisfeld with VPI states he has 4 15" woofers (JBL Everest) near his Prime Signature setup with no issues at all.  Why am I having this problem and how can I eliminate it?  Thank you in advance for all feedback.
Get in touch with Edensound Audio and try out their BearPaws....large brass cones.  I have a Superscoutmaster with a 3D arm and these made a HUGE down side.....the sound is better by far, and I can do back flips, and never get feedback from the turntable. 
I use machina dynamica super stiff springs between my tt platform and my wall mount. This is an inexpensive option that works very well.
I'm planning on trying those springs myself slaw, in combination with roller bearings.
I will be trying positioning the speakers and moving the TT a bit.  The more I think about this the more I feel the problem is airborne.  I may go as far as plugging the rear ports on the Audito Ms first to see if that helps.  Thank you to all who have contributed.
You may find that seismic isolation can benefit airborne resonance issues too. Though only because it would allow the rest of the table to vibrate and dissipate the energy.. 

A cheap way to experiment is to use a small, partially inflated inner tube under the platform your TT is on. Simple and effective against some horizontal and many vertical vibrations. Though, if you've already ordered the springs, you may as well see how that goes.