2 channel amp sound VS. HT amp sound

I am getting back in the game and interested in getting a mid-range amp to replace an old Marantz SR6200 possibly. Well, actually I am torn between getting a new HT amp that would make things easier with HDMI inputs and wouldn’t cut-out every few minutes with my current cable tv setup, or getting a dedicated 2-ch integrated amp. I listen to a lot of vinyl and current listen to everything source direct on my amp. I have an MMF-5.1 and a set of Mordaunt short MS-908 floor standing speakers with a matching center channel and some polk rears. Music is my primary concern so I was thinking of using the pre-amp outs to hook up a 2-channel amp so I could have both options but getting a new HT amp instead is appealing if I am not losing much in the sound quality of my music.

For 2-channel systems I was thinking of a Marantz PM 6006 or Cambridge Audio CXA60 (I like this because of the bluetooth option for streaming). In this case I could take advantage of FLAC files (I dont have many but could grow this collection) with the built in DAC"s. Although the Marantz has a phono stage, so i could do away with my NAD pre-amp.

if I went with HT amp I was thinking of an SR5011 because I like the streaming options and easy remote app. My main concern is if I go source direct with this amp, will it sound as good as an integrated 2-ch amp around the same price level? I mainly use a fire box for entertainment and although I have a blueray player I rarely use it except for cd’s. Vinyl and spotify are my main music sources but I have considered going the FLAC/DAC route as well.

I know it’s apples to oranges comparisons, but if anyone has debated this before I’d love to hear your input.


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A couple of things about an int or pre with true HT Bypass are:
1) When using the AVR to the Int Amp you are not passing a signal thru two preamp stages (AVR and Int Amp) as the HT Bypass will "bypass" the preamp stage in the int and it’s just an amp.
2) If you have a sub that has separate LFE and L/R line level inputs you can have the sub connected simultaneously to the AVR (LFE input) and the preouts of the int amp (L/R):
a) when using the AVR and the int amp selected for HT Bypass, the preouts are disabled on the int amp, so no doubling up on signals to the sub
b) when listening to 2-channel, your source components are connected to the int amp, the avr is turned off (or muted) and the int amp preouts send signals to the sub

I do this now with my setup -works slick and clean.

I’m just tossing this out as there are several ways to combine an AVR with dedicated 2-channel components when one is constrained to a single room for HT and music.

This is all great info, I think I will be holding off on an AVR for now because we plan to move in a couple years and I would rather start fresh at that time with a new AV system based on the room I will have for it.  I do want to improve my music sound in the meantime.  Something like the AX60 still appeals to me and running it in conjunction with my 6200 should get me by for a while.  I have also considered getting a slightly older integrated amp like the Marantz PM8003 in the classifieds here, or something similar.  The only problem with that is all the inputs are analog so I would likeley need a DAC to play high quality FLAC files from my computer-then the price of the amp and the DAC are almost as much as getting a newer integrated amp that has a built in DAC.  I suppose I could run the MacBook Pro through the digital in of my 6200 since i would be using it as a pre-amp to the integrated amp but the sound may not be great.  Lots to consider here!
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Holding off until the move and using what you have seems logical. I believe the idea of purchasing a used integrated is a good one. The older Marantz PM800x series are very good products and contain a phonostage. You could also look for a HRT Music Streamer II USB DAC. I have purchased several for ~$80 and they make for a great starter DAC. One could be connected directly to an input on the integrated using male to male RCA plugs eliminating the need for a cable. I do this with my headphone amp. Purchased the plugs off Ebay for ~$8.