@bradf Thanks, I just copied your post into Evernote so it's always on my phone. It will cost me $$$. Feel guilty ;-) Cheers,
Recommendations of good sounding newly pressed LPs
@tomryan @sbank @dweller your welcome There’s some other labels/vinyl records that I wouldn’t term audiophile grade, but none the less fairly decent recordings. I will post as time allows. http://paxamrecords.com/?show_section=4sale https://www.bloodshotrecords.com/artists (NOTE: Original label for Ryan Adams. check out Lydia Loveless and the Detroit Cobras on Spotify) (approx. 89 artist recorded) American Recordings - Johnny Cash, plus others https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Recordings_(record_label) Boxstar Records - Julie London (out of print) http://store.acousticsounds.com/l/4110/BoxStar - Bobby Darin http://www.purepleasurerecords.com/pure_pleasure_store.html#!/John-Lee-Hooker-&-Canned-Heat-Hook... Except for the Box Star and Pure Pleasure Label, I am pretty sure that the above referenced labels are cut off of DAT. Those that may have listened to anything from Rumble or Wax Time Records, please post your impressions Thnx Brad |
Not a recommendation, listed for info. Interesting catalog, but I have no idea what source material they use. Could be recordings off the radio for all I know. http://www.forcedexposure.com/labels/rumble.records.html https://www.discogs.com/label/248507-Rumble-Records-10 Some info on Rumble Records off the Steve Hoffman Site http://www.forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/wax-time-records-new-vinyl-reissues.303108/ |