Have you ever tried a pair of speakers and said this Is the last thing I will ever need.

Hi Audiogoners have you you ever had a local dealer that is so pashonet about audio. That they let you bring in your system for fun and try a $10 000speakers. And you have been to every other local dealers shows and listened to $400 000 and above systems. And then tried a pair of speakers and had so much synergy with your budget system and said omg. This blows all other systems I heard for a fraction of the cost of most others? And have been always happy with that pair of speakers and your system for the rest of your life?

Please share your experience"
My most recent forever speaker was just delivered and setup in my house a couple of days ago. The Vandersteen Quatro CT. I will have more to say later. Listening to music right now.
I have a couple of pairs of speakers that I don't have any desire to upgrade.  I got a pair of Thiel 3.7s about 5 years ago that are fantastic.  They don't have any weaknesses really.  I've also got a pair of custom built ATC 110 ASLs that I bought from a classified ad.  I feel these two pairs of speakers complement each other nicely.  The Thiels excel at smaller scale stuff and sound fantastic at low/moderate volume.  The ATCs like to be played loud and are great with rock and large scale classical. 
I agree with pryso, my Janszen zA2.1 speakers are keepers. Other gear has rotated in and out of my room until now. I have found the perfect amp and pre to complement these wonderful speakers.

Yes. Just happened last week. Bought a pair of JM Reynaud Bliss Silvers with the Magic stands. These speakers handily outperformed my previous reference speakers at less than half the MSRP: the Focal Micro Utopia Be. The Silvers are that good. They are a synergistic match made in Heaven with my Lavardin IT integrated.

I just don’t understand why the JMR distribution in the US isn’t more extensive. So many music lovers are missing the boat.

I’ll be 60 in 6 months and I’m done. For good.

Klipsch La Scalla! Enjoying them right now! I've had them about a month along with a new "demo" Prima Luna Prologue Premium w/EL34s. The Klipsch remind me of Martin Logan CLS they are so coherent. An absolutely HUGE soundstage presentation and midrange to die for. Not the most extended treble but adequate to be sure.
I'd love to hear these with diamond coated beryllium diaphragms and a powered subwoofer in the lower cabinet (with DSP room correction of course!). These speakers are so juicy-good (but gigantic) -I think they'll be around for a while (got to get some Townshend Super Tweeters).