Graphene film is here and I feel potentially incredibly interesting for our hobby. Magico is coating their 7.5 inch speaker with graphene. Does anyone know what method they use?
Very interesting davidpritchard. They have their fingers in so many pies. It's bound to be interesting. It appears that graphene is vastly more exciting than diamonds,kevlar,spectra,teflon--as it has qualities that seem to give the potential of it surpassing all commercial applications.
Looking into Samsung's research it appears they're on the cusp of making use of it for transistors. And as graphene transmits electrical signals 200 times faster than the currently used material it's not hard to see the potential.
If the signal is transmitted 200 times faster using Graphene that means the audio signal will be traveling approximately 150 times faster than the speed of light. Whoa!!
Maybe Samsung should use Graphene in their smart phone batteries.
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