Plasma owners any problems??

It seems you hear all the things that are wrong with Plasmas but I feel they are close to a direct view screen as one can get. I am looking at the Panasonic Onyx and the Pioneer Elite as my choice. Before I plop the plastic, has anyone had issues from thier plasma Tv? Noise, pixle failure, etc. Appreciate any input.
Most manufacturers have an "acceptable" number of pixels that can be dead straight out of the box. I think that Sony, for instance, will allow up to three dead pixels before they will even consider doing something about it. End-of-model close-out on a store demo can be affordable with the added benefit of the ability to inspect before purchase.

Good luck!
I've been very happy with my Marantz, and I had the same concerns you did when buying it. No problems at all. Only "problem" is that HD material looks so good, when you switch to a plain digital source it suffers in comparison, and analog stations look comparitively blurred. Hopefully there will be more and more HD programming.
Love my Fujitsu HD. Problems so far:
1. Possible burn in along edges when watching 4:3 material. Most commericials are still 4:3 even on HD channels.
2. Lots of heat, not a major factor in New England, but would be in Florida.
3. Fragile- Make sure you know what you are doing if you install yourself.
4. You will find yourself watching some pretty pathetic content, just to gawk at the HD PQ.
Awesome picture.
I am happy with my Philips plasma. Only issue is the HDMI signal sometimes has trouble syncing with the TV and you have to turn off/on the sat box to get it locked up. After that, no issues.