Looking to build a system for under $5k


I am brand new to audio and looking to put a system together for around/under $5k all in. Any recommendations?

This would be mainly for CD audio but expandable for phono in the future. I have a small bedroom that I am dedicating as a music room upstairs in a cape cod style home. So it has angled walls that follow the roof line.

Looking for components that offer the biggest bang for the buck. I've done some research over the last couple of months and it seems like the Vandersteen 1Ci might be a good cornerstone to design a system around.



If you liked the synergy of the Belles with the Vandy’s, then you’re making a severe mistake going away from it just to get an internal DAC (and probably a cheap one at that)

I would do the Belles which you know matches beautifully to the Vandys and then do an Oppo Sonica DAC which is a very simple and easy to use way to get Tidal into the Belles for not a lot of money.......any internal solution will be very compromised in one area or another......

As to phono, don’t settle for an integrated solution.......there are so many great used phono stages on GON that have a very small form factor......try for a Lehmann Cube or a PS Audio.....it all depends on your cartridge.....but you can do that when the time comes......for now I’d say go with the Integrated that you KNOW has synergy with the Vandersteens and go with something you know has an excellent DAC to get Tidal into the Belles......add a companion Oppo disc spinner later......

Another great option at less cost would be the Auralic Aries Mini streamer.......which includes a  DAC and a great app......It is available new for 499.....


"I would do the Belles which you know matches beautifully to the Vandys and then do an Oppo Sonica DAC which is a very simple and easy to use way to get Tidal into the Belles for not a lot of money.......any internal solution will be very compromised in one area or another......"

Thanks for the great suggestion. I think I'll do just that!

Vandersteen is good; also listen to the Maggie 1.7i

buy a good amp that can drive the speakers well; buy a pre-amp with the control functionality you need or want, and a CD player or DAC (Oppo is good and inexpensive + there are many used ones)

ignore the tweekers trying to get you to waste money on cables