Thoughts on Plasma, LCD, DLP and which way to go

I am looking to purchase a Flat screen tv and wanted to get some thoughts on whcih way to go? I have looked at all 3 types. I would like to find out people's experience's with the different technologies?

Did your partner get a 1080p JVC set, or a 720p set? I didn't think the 1080p sets were shipping yet, and didn't think they could be had for only $2400.

I meant to include JVC in my earlier post but forgot to add DILA to LCOS/SXRD as a recommended RP microdisplay technology.

Also consider getting a set with a built-in HD receiver. Set up an antenna and you will get a lot more HD stations than with cable or satellite.
For Plasma take a hard look at the 50 inch Panasonic Panel at Visual Apex for 3K.

I personally am looking forward to viewing the new Sony SXRD 50 inch KDS-R50XBR1. True full high resolution HD, no burn in concerns, inputs galore. The general concensus among reviewers thus far seems to indicate that this is the best set out there. $3,500 or so if purchased online.

Available in 60 inch as well. HMMMMMMMMMMMM
Have the problems with plasma and high altitude been fixed as yet? Just curious. One of the reasons I didn't go for a plasma screen - besides the price - was that they didn't do well with high altitude. This was about a year ago, so I am sure things have changed by now.
