It sounds to me that the Linear Tube Audio products with my Double Impacts will be a very formidable combination. Your reviews of the micro ZOTL and ZOTL 40 went a long way towards me making my decision to go with them. I thank you for that. And you're right, together with the DI's it might not just be one of the best audio values around but maybe one of the best systems out there. I can't wait to add the Linear Tube Audio amps to my system and I'm sure your upcoming DI review will only have me chomping at the bit even more!
You're a distributor for both Tekton and LTA? Sweet. I just might have to make the trip from the Motor City to the Windy City to check your place out. When you say you'll have the "upgraded" Double Impacts do you mean a PMD version? While I wont ever be spending the $30k plus they will probably go for, it would be interesting to hear them. I would think for ten times the cost they must have more than just upgraded drivers and cross overs.......maybe a totally new cabinet with substantial bracing? Inquiring minds want to know :)
I'm not a fan of the boastful claims either but I wouldn't let that stop me from getting some amazing speakers and an unbelievable price. Eric has a lot of reason to be boastful, even if I prefer a more modest approach. I would recommend that you ignore the website claims and concentrate on the claims of those who have heard the speakers. While those of us that own the DI's are equally boastful, it's more palatable than one tooting his own horn :)