Current NAD integrated amps, what are your impressions?

I just picked up a C326BEE and wanted to hear if my results are common, or what the general consensus is for NAD. I did some searching on this forum, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of love or threads directed at NAD.

I actually acquired a C372 about 3 years ago, but sold it within a year as it seemed pretty bland and laid back. I’ve heard that this vintage wasn’t as reliable and my remote control did die. When I shipped it to the buyer it showed up DOA in one channel! I helped him with the repairs but it left me with reservations regarding NAD. From what I can gather, the current models are much more reliable.

So Spearit sound is clearing out refurbished NAD components, and I couldn’t resist the price(no affiliation). Bottom line, the 326 sounds way better than I expected. I’d been using a Denon AVR3801 in 2 channel with a second system, and the imaging, clarity and punch is easily better with the 326. I’m driving Tannoy DC4 bookshelf speakers and what a soundstage!. Diana Krall tracks are recorded with the piano mic’d so the lower register starts in the left speaker and the highest notes in the right. I’d not heard that with the Denon, but the 326 sets it out so clearly.

So what has your experience been with NAD?
I have always been a fan of NAD integrated amplifiers for their sound, however when you get past the price of the C356BEE, the competition gets stiffer.  Let us know how things progress with the 375. 
Ah nuts.  I had to return the 375(bought it used from a retailer selling on Audiogon) because it turned out to be several years old.  I'm back on the prowl for a mint used one.  Anyone try Spearit sound?

Though I have never bought from Spearit Sound, I have heard/read good things about them.  I did speak with customer service before they were very knowledgeable, informative, and courteous.


Yes- 213runnin

I can highly suggest Spearit Sound. Ask for Jack Tozzi, he will not steer you in a wrong direction.  Happy Listening!
This confirms my impressions with them as well.  I was thinking of buying another refurb from them, but a NIB was being offered by another seller, and I guess I offered too much, they accepted.  

I've only just received the PS Audio AC 5, and tried it out on the 375 before taking it out of the system(to return it).  Right out of the box, everything was significantly louder.  The sound had more of a 3D presence too, but I understand that these cables need to break in somewhat.  So I guess I'm off to the cable section to get advice on that.