Hello everyone... Wow, thank you for all of this information, where do I begin. I have about 50 hrs on them now and there is more bottom end. However, they still sound compressed too me, and not very open sounding. Sort of like I wish I could take the grills off...ha ha
I am convinced you guys are absolutely correct about break-in time, and believe they may actually need the hundreds of hours. I wish Magnepan was doing that before they shipped them.
Okay, I'll explain what I see regarding the tape thing. On the 3.7i's when looking at the midrange section from the rear, I see a white type filter media and appears as though it would reduce the sound levels coming out of the rear of the midrange section. My 3.6's do not have this, its the same as looking at the bass section.
I was told by the dealer, Overture, in Wilmington, Delaware that Wendell was out and would not be back until the 20th or so.
Yes, I still have the 3.6's standing by for a near future reference to the 3.7. I know exactly how the 3.6's sound, and at this point, I don't want to lose a nights sleep by putting them back in service just yet. One of them will be going, just not sure which one yet.
I tried experimenting with the resistors and within a half hour I took them the heck out. Oh my...terrible
I have been experimenting with positioning, but I must admit that "no" I have not tried hanging them from the ceiling yet. They are in a different position than the 3.6's were but not all that much. I kind of know this room and its usually within 18 to 24 inches from the side walls and 4 to 6 feet off the back wall.
The mention about the 3.6R's having the capability of bi-wiring, or bi-amping is a wonderful advantage, and I miss that with these new ones. I was bi-wirng with the 3.6's and it really did make an nice improvement. I was also bi-amping for a while with a Minidsp, and the clarity was so improved its nutty. But, at the cost of the sound stage and depth somewhat collapsing. I believe that the multiples (3) of analog to digital conversions that was happening using the Minidsp was the cause. I went back to a single amp bi-wired and found my comfort zone there.
I really miss VMPS, and wish there were some out there in decent shape to be had. Why is it when the few times that we finally get it all just right that we just can't leave it alone? My wife says i'm nuts and "What Now" funny!!!
Well, thank you all for your time and help. Please don't stop! I will post here as things progress with break in.