Interesting thread because we are all playing at different levels of cost. It's just so obvious. The OP wanted an all in one unit or system that was affordable. He got what is one of the few on the market that has it all and that includes the streaming he wants and MQA (not sure if it's core or all the way). Folks are still trying to talk him out of it, which is kind of funny.
I've seen someone post that Aurender is the it's not. What is best is what we listen to vs others and like the best in our system. Digital is funny in that what sounds great in one system may not be the best in the other one in the same house. It's more dependent on the other digital feeds that analog amps are I think. I could be wrong, but it sure seems that way. So much we are learning about digital sound still. I think we still have miles to go with it and we will in time.
Personally, I've heard Melco vs Aurender in many many shops and also in my own system and I prefer the Melco (the N1A not the N1ZH). Melco is coming out with new units in the next few months so I'll wait to see what they have, but Aurender just sounds differently. It's a great unit and I"d happily have one, but I will get what's best in my own system. It's audio and there is no best in any category. Just isn't and cant' be as we all hear differently.
I too like the Antipodes gear and always have. Nothing not to like about it. Nice distributor also. I may have gotten one, but my rebuilt Mac mini still sound better than even their new TOL ref unit. Steven Nugent used it for his shows (he builds the high end Empirical Audio DAC's of which I owned until Ayre came out with theirs). He sold me one of his two servers and went with Antipodes, but he eventually went back to his as it just sounded better. HE wanted a one box solution (the mac has a huge Paul Hynes LPS), but needs the best sound to sell his 14k DAC's.
I read about guys wanting to get rid of their mac's, but if optimized and using the top LPS you can get and changing the drives to the best sounding (not most expensive) SSD's and changing some other components you can have as good a server as a W20 Aurender or Antipodes ref or any other out there. Just not always the prettiest or the easiest to use maybe.
For the price point OP is at, it's the perfect solution of him as the sound is nice and he doesn't want a second box for an external DAC. He's have to upgrade to a Codex or higher (DAC alone will cost much more than this full set up now) to get better sound. JMHO