Plasma 42 inch ....

My Panasonic 42 inch was stolen recently .

At the time I bought the Panasonic(about 1 year ago ..) it was the best choice,considering performance vs price.

Looking at a new 42 inch.Any comments regarding the best buy currently ...?

Drubin- If you have access to comcast cable, why not use the dual tuner HD DVR box and eliminate that extra connection? Interface is not that bad. IMO.
Thanks guys. We do have the Comcast HD DVR but are struggling with the interface.

The problem with cable card is there is no way to do DVR, as far as I know.

DVI to HDMI shouldn't be a problem as I understand it. It's effectively an adapter (no conversion whatsoever).
I bought a 50" Pioneer Elite a month ago

the Six generation really refined the black levels

what a picture

I debated going smaller (43") and was glad I bought the larger screen (ymmv according to viewing distance)
10' away the 50" is great and you really feel in the movie
hdmi dvd source rocks, can't wait to get hi def satellite


The DirectTV HR 10-250 is a great HDTV/TiVo unit with HDMI and component video outputs if you could consider switching to satellite from cable. It can record 2 channels simultaneously. We too found that TiVo was more important to us that HDTV, but now we have both in a very nice package.

For most people, PVR's totally change the way they watch tv. It's one of those innovations that once you have it, you wonder how you ever lived without it.

Regarding HDTV, I think the 2 key content streams that benefit the most is sports, and the movie channels. It's not like Jay Leno is funnier, nor CSI more pompous in HDTV, but hockey or football in HD is stupendous, especially on a big-ass* display. And movies that are well rendered to HD from film are a joy to behold.

*big-ass is industry insider tech jargon. It means "large"