Power an amp and component with batteries instead of direct outlet power?

Hi neighbors,

It is common for guitarists and bassists to use batteries in their effect pedals because the pedals sound quieter and easier on the ear.   

Why not connect several car batteries that are charged enough for 90 minutes and power a transformer with enough wattage for my entire audio rack?  Or buy a budget battery power rig designed to power music racks?

I've heard the difference and using battery power is better in effect pedals.
It's not a question if it works but if it will sell. That is always the answer to "Why not do..."
I use batteries for my DIY preamp and phono, which are just a few mA. But amplifiers need current, and so the required batteries get prohibitive - and dangerous - and generally not worth it. To me. YMMV

Living Voice uses a maga buck battery/inverter system when demoing their Vox Olympians. ok million dollar system but it can be done easily if you know much about batteries and charging cycles. just a few lead acid car batteries could power a system for hours if done right. hell you could potentially charge them using solar. or buy the Lio as mentioned above.

it would be interesting to use a tesla power pack to run a system. Interesting enough the power wall from tesla is cheaper then PS audios regen power system mmmm ...

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