Tekton Electron has been released

As expected, the Tekton Double Impact received a 5 star rave-up from Home Theatre Review. The reviewer made mention of a smaller version for those of us with smaller rooms. I shot Eric Alexander an email at about 8:30 last night and was surprised to receive a reply a few minutes later. He said that the scaled down version, which he named the Electron, had just gone live on his website a few minutes earlier.

I haven't heard any of his speakers yet, but I am really curious, especially about this one. I'm sure that conspiracy theorists will have plenty to say about the reviewer, and the weird patent (they already have savaged the patent, and I don't really blame them), but I am not as suspicious as some, and I think these speakers must be pretty good, or they wouldn't keep getting such enthusiastic reviews from users as well. I want to hear these speakers!  

The DI's sound is highly dependent on what you have hooked to them. I went through two different amps and three different preamps to finally get the sound qualities that were most pleasing to my ears. They are very revealing. That said, they never sounded bad with any of my equipment, just emphasized different aspects of the recordings. For example, with a powerful solid-state amp they exhibited wonderful dynamics, whilst a tube amp give them wonderful texture. Changing preamps added and subtracted details from the music. I will say, however, that the midrange stayed nice throughout my equipment changes, just minor improvements here-and-there.
Good information. I have the same questions as Grannyring. It good to hear that a reviewer says they sound great, and he even sold his speakers for them, but sounds great compared to what? In this case it would be good to hear comparisons to speakers whose house sound we are familiar with, or at least more detail than I read in that review about the sonic character.  
Point well taken @roxy54 . I agree it's always good to have a frame of reference; and we can safely say that the reviewer's impressions may not match our own. But when he made the following observation, it really caught my attention: "The Double Impact is a qualitative shift from sounding like an analytical/electrical device to beautiful tonality/timbres ..."

I believe the "analytical/electrical device" reference was about Wilson Sasha's with Focal sourced tweeters. Having heard Sasha's both in show settings and in a fellow audiophile's home system, I definitely concur with that observation. Despite their high cost, I never really felt they made good sounding music. I think what the reviewer is saying is if you like Wilson's house sound, these may not be your cup of tea. Maybe?

BTW, when someone also shares my tastes in music, makes me pay a bit more attention to their impressions.  
Agree with all of the above.  I am cautiously optimistic about the DI.  However, I am not familiar with Home Theatre Review one way or the another.  Also, I don't give much weight to reviews written after only having an item a week or three.  From my own experience, I have purchased speakers which I thought were fantastic for a few months and then things I didn't like about them start setting in.  I am glad that all of you are loving them.  Just my two cents and I may end up with a ;pair yet.
I've found the DI's to have no listener fatigue in my system at all. They are very dynamic and alive.......and as subtle and refined as need be. As Jeffery mentioned they are very revealing and will bring forth whatever is upstream of them.

For a frame of reference I had the Magneplanar mg 1.7i's before getting the DI's and had the Legacy Audio Focus SE's at the same time. The DI's had pretty much everything the Maggie's but added a lot more dynamic slam and much better bass. The DI's had a much more realistic soundstage also, one more in scale with the music than the larger than life soundstage of the Maggie's. The DI's and Focus SE's were more similar than dissimilar but again the DI's had more dynamic slam. All three speakers are wonderful and I'm not knocking any of them, I just preferred the Di's. For me the DI's presented the most realism and dynamics while still at least equaling the others in most other sonic attributes. 

I listen to a wide array of music with jazz and female vocalists being my favorites. And yeah, every now and then I like to revisit my youth and rock out to the likes of ELP, Metallica, Bowie.....oh anything from the 70's or 80's. Mostly it's the likes of Holly Cole, Patricia Barber, Sarah Jarosz, Rickie Lee Jones, Cowboy Junkies, Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, McCoy Tyner and Keith Jarrett that I listen to. The DI's with my Decware Torii tube amp and PS Audio Perfectwaves provide beautiful music with all. 

Are they perfect? Nothing is but I've found no fault with them yet.