Wife trouble

Bought Def. Tech. 8040 Towers for living room for my first dive into audio world.  Because I love music, I really enjoy the sound over TV. My wife fell in love with a huge console that spans the length of LR wall and so towers will not work. 8040's are bipolar and need space to breath. What to do?
If there was only a chip that could be implanted in women's heads to make them like Stepford wives, just for audio purposes of course.

(1) You are never going to win that WAF debate, and
(2) your current speakers can be easily replaced with a huge plethora of alternative choices that are both a WAF-approved pair and will not only meet but rather exceed the current set audio performance; 

Just capitulate and cut bait, and just move on to suitable WAF speakers to minimize the entirely avoidable angst in light of a compromise solution ....full stop.
You already have the speakers so tell her that they won't work with her console.  Immediately follow that with "of course, I will sell the speakers so you can get the console honey... the speakers we will have to buy instead will be <insert mega-buck speaker here>"

Then take the speakers and move into the garage.
Use another room for audio. Finish your basement that's where I got sent. I did have a WAF approved system in the living room as well, but I was lucky .