Auralic Aries Mini or Bluesound Node 2?

How do these two compare? I'm looking for something to use with Roon, Tidal and have the ability to add an external HD. I'll be using it with a Yamaha 1060 AVR (used as a preamp w/HT ability) with a Parasound A23 Halo powering my mains.

My Yamaha 1060 doesn't support Roon or Tidal AFAIK and to add an external drive I'd have to connect through the front USB port. I'd prefer something that has back panel USB unless there is some sort of USB->HDMI or coaxial converter that would work with good results.

Thanks for any input.
If Roon is important to you, forget the Aries Mini.  It streams Tidal just fine but Auralic went with their own software (DS Lightning) and the Mini is not "Roon-ready"...nor will it be, I don't believe.  I own a Mini.  Very happy with it.  Sound is great...noticeably better than when I played ALAC files from an external hard drive via Macbook Air.  Those same files on the same hard drive sound better with the Aries Mini (USB out to MF V-Link 192 to Gungnir DAC via DH Labs D-750 digital coax).  Plenty of people here do like the Bluesound Node 2.  If it's got the functionality you need, doubt you would be unhappy.  

+1 with ghosthouse, also a Mini user here and I really like the Lightning DS app but if you need Roon then the Mini is out. Lots of good feedback here on the Bluesound Node2 not sure if it can be a Roon endpoint but I'm sure someone will chime in. All said from my own experiences and reading these two units seem pretty comparable sound quality wise with slightly different feature sets. I would however not use either of these units from their analog outputs a solid outboard Dac is a must for good sound.
Thanks for the replies,

I guess I don’t have to have Roon if the DS Lightning SW accomplishes what I need and that is to have some sort of management of all of my music wherever it is being streamed or local and being easily accessible via our devices (mostly iPhones/iPads). I’ll be hooking either up to the Yamaha via coaxial so the Yamahas DACs will be taking over. I like that fact I can install a HD in the Mini if needed. That would save me a connection/cable. My setup is modest, playing through some 90s KEF Reference Model 2s so I’m sure I’m splitting hairs here. If my Yamaha handled Tidal and it had a rear USB port, I probably wouldn’t be considering either of these.

I see a lot of folks here like the Bluesound and haven’t seen much mention of the Mini.

Thanks again for your thoughts.