Best full range loudspeaker for the used price of 10 to 13,000 dollars

I've been very happy with my Reference 3A Grand Veenas for quite a few years now,what did I like about them?
Well first off they are a critically acclaimed product not an unknown
Secondly I thought the parts matched the price I agreed with the value
Third they sounded like I'd read they would ,and just as they looked like they would .Full range, disappeared completely,easy to understand midrange and easy to drive.
I'm ready to take a step forward now,these will be set up in my main living space(no wife)so they must be valuable. I would like a beautiful sonic asset to live with,Dazzle me!
Beware...Devore O/96 need room to breathe but they do sound great in the open.  I prefer the Harbeth 40.2 over the Devores in a tighter space. For your price range, my personal recommendation is the Vandy Quatro, smooth and very musically.  Perfect tight bass, beautiful mid range and the imaging is just awesome. Really depends on the type of music you listen too but give it a listen.  Good luck! 
use 10% of the cost for a calibrated mic, room measuring software and room treatments
Nothing mentioned yet can equal or best these:



Nola Brio Trio (2.1 or 2.2) (<$5,000 new)

or... if you want to consider "boutique" options - (you get a lot more for your money)...

Linkwitz Orion’s, or LX521’s

Wavetouch Audio GT’s or Anteros Monitors

LaHave Melas, or other LaHave models

DC10Audio Berlin R’s, or other DC10Audio Models

I’ve got the Orion’s, GT’s, Antero’s, Mela’s, and Berlin R’s (among others)... and... would have the Legacy Aeris, if I could accept their size, weight and moving challenge... and... I may not be able to resist the Nola Brio Trio - all are incredible! The GT’s and Antero’s are the "giant killer’s" of the bunch... competing with virtually anything.

Any of these will astound and amaze you compared to most others - though some weigh a ton and are difficult to ship, or are not the prettiest.

And... I guess... in your budget range... I might also consider the Maggie 20.7’s - understanding that they have some idiosyncrasies (i.e. size, space, equipment requirements / matching, etc.) - set up right in the right space, they can be impressive!

And... as others have suggested, I'd definitely consider some type of "room correction" (e.g. DEQX, DSpeaker, etc.) - the sound of virtually any set up can be improved by these (especially the bass).


You might want to get a DEQX unit. It will listen to your speakers, your room and allow you to make real time adjustments. It is not one of those cheapo room correction devices, this is the real thing.

Also, it will allow you to blend your sub with the mains.
