Random question/ thoughts about stuff for sale here

Guys and Gals - 

Maybe it's just me, but oftentimes, when I see equipment for sale here on Audiogon that I'm not personally familiar with, I have a tendency to develop an immediate bias that the equipment is deficient in some way (inherent to the product, not the actual item for sale).  

I know that audiophiles (by nature) are always swapping gear and trying new things in pursuit of perfection, but when I see something for sale, I subconsciously and irrationally conclude that the gear didn't live up to that hope and I mark it off my list as something I would ever consider buying.  This is true whether it's a phono preamp, cables, speakers or anything for that matter.

I know it's an unfounded bias, but one that I'm not able to move on from.

Is this just me or do others feel similarly?



I agree with what's said above, I was once deeply in the grip of audiophilia nervosa and bought and sold lots of gear constantly changing just to try something new. Almost all of it great stuff that looking back I could have been happy with. I've slowed down a lot in that regard but I do still on occasion change out gear, and accessories, that I am happy with to find out if something is better. Lots of cool gear on here and often the stuff you've never heard of is just a hidden gem waiting for you to find it.
Cassette deck? I'm looking for a NOS Onkyo TA-2090! Bought mine at WDS (Wisconsin Discount Stereo) around 1985 for $500. Then I killed it by accident when I installed a ceiling fan and crossed two 110 volt lines into one 220 -oops!
It's great so many people have shared their thoughts and contributed to this thread.

To go a bit further to clarify my initial post - 

There have been times where I know exactly what I want already and then apply a level of patience until something comes up for sale - Case in point, my current main speakers were ones that purchased from a local seller on here about 6-7 years ago.

For me, it's never a matter of a seller or condition of the equipment or even price that evokes the bias, it's the product itself.

In practical terms, I see a lot of prior generation Opportunities BDP's for sale lately and they get a hall pass since I know that Opposition has just come out with the new 203 and announced the 205.  But for so many other products that I see come up for sale frequently I apply a level of "intuitive logic' that leads to the bias.

For example, I spend a lot of time in the forums (largely lurking) and I seldom see the products that people rave about in the forums come up for sale and vice versa.  I know that this is just bias but I still can't seem to get past it - I'm sure there are lots of great products out there that I could be missing out on simply because seeing them for sale here (and seldom written about favorably in the forums, if at all) as a red flag-  right or wrong.

Make sense?


It's you!   I buy what sounds best to ME!  

Actually it's financially advantageous in the minority so prices are lower.   Lower demand = lower price!