Record Cleaning Machine

After many years I think it's time I purchased a record cleaning machine. 
Can you guys recommend any up to around $500?

VPE HW 16.5.  Had mine for over 25 years, still works fine.  There are better, but they would cost a lot more.
In your price range the VPI 16.5 would be my pick. I own one as well as a much more expensive ultrasonic machine.
I just bought a VPI Cyclone a few weeks ago. To say I am amazed at how good my vinyl sounds would be a major understatement. This is the best investment I have made in many years.Im cleaning lp's from the early 70's that I thought were shot.  Cant believe how friggin good they sound, and quiet!! Have not turned on my CD player since I got this.  I know this  ( Cyclone ) cost more than your budget,but I wouldnt hesitate to buy the 16.5 based on years of positive reviews. Trust me, you havent heard your vinyl till youve heard it clean. Good luck.