Sonus Faber vs Focal and maybe even Dynaudio or PSB


A favorable tax return is allowing me to upgrade my current B&W 684 2.5 way floor standers. I have a Rogue Audio RP-1 that I would like to keep in the system and eventually upgrade the Rotel class D amp to a more modern class D piece after I choose the speaker. I am also running a single Velodyne Micro-V

I want to support my local dealer because they are pretty good about letting me have demos or brand new stuff in my system. The speakers I can choose from are Focal,PSB, Sonus Fabor and DynAudio. I can probably demo any of these products. But I don’t want to go overboard and request to demo everything as I have a modest budget of $2K. The first product I have lined up for a demo is the Focal Chorus 726.

My sources are vinyl and digital (deezer and some HD files) fed through a Wadia 321. I listen to all types of rock, progressive and some jazz.

I have always been fairly satisfied with the B&W characteristics so I don’t want to have a speaker that is to bright or not natural sounding or has to much bass. I just want a well balanced product.

Any light that can be shed my direction is appreciated.

I have owned several pairs of Dynaudio speakers in the past 15 years. Take a good listen to the Contour 1.4s, Special 25 and C1.
SonusFaber would be my second choice. The SF are less dynamic and much warmer than the Dynaudios, IMO.

I also recommend class A/AB POWER AMPLIFICATION.
just me but i'd opt for a better amp first as the speakers you have are probably quite good.
what does your dealer have to demo in amps? 
I think your on the right track selecting the speakers first and then an amp to properly drive them.  An amp is a much easier purchase determined by what speakers you have.

Since you are familiar with how your B&W's sound, I would say the Focals are the most similar.  Then the PSB'S.  Then the Dyns and finally the SF's which would be opposite of the B&W sound.  Which you will prefer will be entirely up to you.

Have fun finding out.

Yeah that was the advice I got from another thread I had going about overall system upgrades based on what I already had.  Hopefully I can get the Focals going soon.
For your budget, I'd go with Focal, I think you'll get the best bang for the buck.