Sonus Faber vs Focal and maybe even Dynaudio or PSB


A favorable tax return is allowing me to upgrade my current B&W 684 2.5 way floor standers. I have a Rogue Audio RP-1 that I would like to keep in the system and eventually upgrade the Rotel class D amp to a more modern class D piece after I choose the speaker. I am also running a single Velodyne Micro-V

I want to support my local dealer because they are pretty good about letting me have demos or brand new stuff in my system. The speakers I can choose from are Focal,PSB, Sonus Fabor and DynAudio. I can probably demo any of these products. But I don’t want to go overboard and request to demo everything as I have a modest budget of $2K. The first product I have lined up for a demo is the Focal Chorus 726.

My sources are vinyl and digital (deezer and some HD files) fed through a Wadia 321. I listen to all types of rock, progressive and some jazz.

I have always been fairly satisfied with the B&W characteristics so I don’t want to have a speaker that is to bright or not natural sounding or has to much bass. I just want a well balanced product.

Any light that can be shed my direction is appreciated.

I think your on the right track selecting the speakers first and then an amp to properly drive them.  An amp is a much easier purchase determined by what speakers you have.

Since you are familiar with how your B&W's sound, I would say the Focals are the most similar.  Then the PSB'S.  Then the Dyns and finally the SF's which would be opposite of the B&W sound.  Which you will prefer will be entirely up to you.

Have fun finding out.

Yeah that was the advice I got from another thread I had going about overall system upgrades based on what I already had.  Hopefully I can get the Focals going soon.
For your budget, I'd go with Focal, I think you'll get the best bang for the buck.
I appreciate the need to support your local dealer, but they are totally overcharging you on the Focal for the age of the speaker. Usually in the Focal life cycle, you should be expecting significant amount off retail for a speaker that old.

Dynaudio has fans, but most have a W shaped frequency response you have to personally really like. It does well at low listening levels however!
Sonus Fabers higher end are not voiced as neutral as the others you mentioned from what I’ve heard of the Amati’s, Stradivarius even the old Extrema’s, they are very slightly laid back in character and never in your face, but with full robust, rich sound, a bit like a good ESL. This voicing should carry through to the other end of their range. But they always like to have a good amp up them.

Also I'm with the others as far as your amp, a good A/B amp would be better.

Cheers George