Paradigm Speakers

Waiting on my new Paradigm Persona 9F speakers to arrive next week. I'll be moving my Paradigm signature 8 series to another room. They will be overkill for the bedroom. After seeing and hearing the new Persona line. I decided life is short and they are the nicest looking and sounding speakers that will last me the rest of my life. Also along with the White floors and center channel, I purchased their book shelves in White. Expensive, but relatively inepensive for what Paradigm is delivering and equal or better than speakers in the 200k range. They really out did themselves this time around. The Signature 8 series are only 2 years old. Contemplating selling them, only because the are overkill for the bedroom. 
audiotroy, just go away.  You are on this site to sell your product.  The fact that you have lured in a couple of fish to buy your brands after hammering all of us with your moronic advertising means absolutely nothing. 
I haven’t purchased anything from audiotroy, but I have talked to him. He’s knowledgeable and comes across as being very nice on the phone. I don’t have a problem with him; because he doesn’t hide that he’s a dealer. There are a couple of people that are on Audiogon that hide their true identity and that’s worse. 

Correct me if I'm missing something.

After a cursory search of this website and its guidelines there does't seem to be any rule or suggestion that prohibits or even frowns upon retailers from hawking their goods on these forums.

Unlike many other audio or hobby web forums whose soul goal is to provide an outlet for end users to share and compare their experiences I'm guessing is more a classified users as well as retailers to sell primarily used audio as well as publish their website information.

I think most of us have experienced actual designers, manufactures, the press, and retailers, participating in conversations here and on other sites sharing their valuable time and helpful knowledge respectful of the spirit of the hobby.

I find it saddening when anybody who sees themselves as a half baked arbiter of the end all. In this instance it's not surprising that,  ["TO DATE WE HAVE GAINED ZERO SALES Based on these posts."] If that's true then what have you learned?



Jetter  you don't read, 

We didn't reel in any fish, other dealers did!  All we did was to point out that these are class leading products.

My point in writing these posts is to show the hypocrisy present in these forums, I have stated and shown that both the TAS  and Positive Feedbacks writers where not just impressed but blown away by T+A 's product, as well as in Audio Stream.

Instead of people asking where can I hear this  all I hear is what bad form it is to promote the products you sell by people like you and Grpu?

When I mentioned in one little post that a guy looking at a $50k pair of Wilson's that were too big for his room, that there was a new speaker that he might like and was $20k less expensive all we got was bad form, 
what is the purpose of posing a question if all you want is a bunch of toadies agreeing with you? How will you possibly learn anything unless you are exposed to both new ideas and new products?

Have you ventured out to see if perhaps we and all these other writers may be correct and these products challenge the world's best yet cost less? I don;t know about you, but if that was me, I would be looking for my nearest dealer. 

Now I know what you are thinking we are doing this to get rich, dream on, hasn't happened it is a big country and we don't ship out evaluation products, so unless

1: you have read my posts
2: you in the market for something
3: you have the money for something
4: you are not afraid to question if the product you are using has possibly been supplanted.
5: you are not so hot headed to be pissed off by our promoting
6; you actually like the product
7: you are on our coast and are close enough for a demo

Doesn't seem that likely does it? As I said we didn't sell one thing from these posts.

Why does a dealer promote their products? Do the dealers get their products for free or do they buy them themselves?  I am not taking about making money, no I am talking about the fact that dealers have to shell out their money, I don't know about you but I know very few dealers that will actively buy products that they don't believe in.

If you notice most of the annoying parts of these exchanges have been one guy who doesn't like my friend, for the horrible crime of "selling" and believing in his products and actively trying to shut me down  which then requires a length response to shore up our points.

Speaking of points, here is the hypocrisy, none of you challenge when particular forum members post and post and post the same litany of magic products with the same arguments, be it Pass Labs, Vandersteen, Ayre or ARC over and over again, but considering that they have nothing to gain their voices are acceptable as committed hobbyists while experienced dealers are not allowed to raise their voices to maybe tout the next big thing because that is advertising and or shilling.

just for your edification Musifx bought a T+A 2500r integrated not from us and loved it and here is a review of the boss man who helped end an almost year long search to find the perfect digital front end:

Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD | Audiogon Discussion Forum

So before you raise the red flag of impropriety look where else that flag is being raised and what their motives are in raising them. 

Audio Doctor