Clarity Cap CMR Impressions

Wondering if anyone has updated their passive crossover with the Clarity Cap CMR.
I'd like to hear how they compare to the MR and comparable competition. I saw some threads on the MR but not these.

I  try to give you tips on how to better your music enjoyment 
and  one Ignorant person had my recommendation of the dbx pa-2 removed.
thats fine  stay ignorant.
Hi @audioman58,
     I've been reading this thread.  I agree with you that an electronic crossover with room correction is often a revelation in system improvement.  I think the reason that you aren't getting response is that this thread is specifically trying to get a consensus of this capacitor and the difference that it makes in building and modifying passive crossovers.  I believe that you have valid ideas, but agree with an earlier post, that you should open another thread to address this idea.... 
@erik_squires       Erik,  I look forward to hearing how these caps compare after burn in. 
My Lyngdorf 2170 has a built in dac and SOTA room correction. The room correction is easily the best upgrade I have even experienced in audio. Phenomenal! Cannot be overstated. Yes another thread for this truth.   

Thanks tim. Letting a thread get off topic is the death knell. The purpose gets lost and those who were interested no longer will be. If I am guilty of this too I apologize.

Threads are free. If you have a cool idea for a topic start a new one. It is rude to the others who are paying attention, and the original poster to hijack it. If you think it's tangentially related, post a message saying:

"Hey, I'm starting a new thread on active crossovers here, please chime in"
