Are extended warranties necessary on plasmas?

I was considering purchasing a 42 inch plasma last week for around $2000. The salesman strongly recommeded the extended warranty, at a cost of $500. I backed off because something seemed very wrong with a 25% markup for a warranty. The unit came with a 90 day warranty for labor and 1 year for parts. Has anyone had or seen any lemons that tanked out before the manufacturers warranty expired? Has anyone ever have a plasma repaired? If so, what was the cost?
I paid for the peace of mind that comes with the extended warranty. I wasn't thrilled with paying for the extended warranty, but I rationalized it as an insurance policy on my entertainment investment. If anything goes wrong - no worries.
When was the first time you heard from an extended warranty?

I think is a money making strategy that is based only on probability of failure i.e. I sell 100 and get 50 people to buy the extended warr. ergo I make 25 grand that might take a hit of ca 1300 dls if one plasma fails .... not bad business math

Quality control and manufacturing techniques have drastically evolved in the last 20 years I'm not saying there are no lemons out there but the probability of getting one is not that high...... paradox is that information spreading i.e. internet forums seems to make a problem more
likely to ocurr and it helps the extended warranty campaigners
History has shown extended waranty plans on non portable items is mostly a waste, and a huge profit for dealers, in 99% of equipment failure it is usually almost imediate, so the standard warranty would be fine.
Stuff goes wrong with plasmas all the time though- piece of mind has value as well--and the production QA control is not as consistent as you think in many factories.

Even though I didnt buy one, doesnt mean I cant see the other side on this issue.
Dawgbyte,you are right .Do not worry for the next at least 3 years.
BTW,if plasma is only $500,who needs warranty!