Many questions about HT pass-through options

I'm trying to consolidate/simplify equipment in my dual purpose (2 channel and home theater) media room. The net is I want to use the same amplifiers and front speakers for both systems without recabling each time I switch.

I'm completely satisfied with my preamp (Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista) and prefer not to swap it out, but want to easily switch 5.1 (via my pre-pro) to 2 channel and back.

I'm considering a new preamp with home theater passthru, or equivalent alternatives not requiring a new pre.

My questions:

1) Exactly how is HT passthrough implemented in audiophile preamps? Is it simply a high quality switch, or is there something more to it?
2) I read in one post that the standard tape loop can be used for bypass. Is this true? Has anyone done it? Isn't there a risk to the internal circuitry of my preamp?
3) In lieu of a new preamp, is there high quality selector switch that doesn't cost a small fortune? Has anyone made one DIY, and if so, can you recommend good switch parts?

Finally - any recommndations for a good quality preamp, preferably Tube, with a really good phone section, passtrhu, and remote controllable. Budget is in the $1500 range used.

any and all advice or opinion is welcome, and appreciated
The sound may not matter when watching a movie but may when watching a concert DVD.
thanks for the responses so far . . .

Let me add a little qualification to my set-up. My listening in this room is probably 85% 2 channel, but virtually all of the 5.1 listening is Music/Concert video. We watch movies in the living room, and I frankly am much less critical of the sound for movies as you all point out.

I still like the idea of trying the pre-input first since it's free and easy. I guess that's where I'll start, and if I find noticable degradation due to the preamp circuitry, I'll try something else.

Anticipating that - any other advice on a switch, or a Tube pre with HT bypass?

thanks again, Brad G.
check this thread:

There are other as well under the pre-amp/Amp forum.
A BAT VK3i (and I assume other BAT pre-amps) have a volume setting called Unity Gain, which is essentially a HT throughput. The volume control is effectively removed from the circuit.

As a two channel audio only pre-amp, the BAT line is excellent and the VK-3i can be had at truly bargain prices on a'gon.
I had my "stereo guy" tackle this issue for me a few years ago. I have a switchbox that I click in when I want 5.1 and I click out for two channel. I just added a Audio Research SP16 pre that has a processor mode and a nice phono stage. My dealer gave me a great deal in February by selling it to me for $2000 new. I think it lists for $2500 and the price may have gone up. You might be able to find one used at a fair price.