What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??

I am curious what speaker cables made a big "jaw dropping difference" in the sound quality of your current speakers.  What most impressed you about the difference;  that is, overall musicality, tighter, deeper bass, midrange clarity and soundstage depth, etc.etc. 

Keep the price of the speaker cables chosen or auditioned at  between $800- $1000 or  from  $1000-$1500. Was the cable bought new or used??

  Thank you,   SJ

This is the first time for me to post, but I thought I would add my 2 cents. I just switched around my high end system from mono amps to a single new Einstein OTL power amp so my  speaker cables were too short. I ended up using an old pair of 2k cables but the sound of the system was good but not great. These were highly rated cables 10 years ago.  I read this forum and decided to go the DIY route. I  purchased 40 ft of 8 gauge soft silver wire from Rio Grande. the teflon sleeves I ordered hadn't arrived yet so I went to the local pet store and bought some silicone aquarium pump tubing to sleeve the wire as an experiment.  The results were jaw dropping. Every aspect of the listening experience was greatly improved, in fact amazingly so. Just ordered 40 more feet of 10 gauge silver wire to bi-wire. So far I am just connecting the wire directly to speakers without spades. The total cost of the wire and sleeves will end up being around $1600.00. The thing about these cables is that they are also a play on the price of silver. I am investing in silver and getting the use of spectacular cables. Will update when I have completed the bi-wire with teflon sleeves. Should sound even better.

MM, that's the way Tempo Electric makes their speaker cables. I have a pair of high purity, soft annealed, solid core silver cables with oversized teflon jacketing and bare ends and it was the best SC when I had my Tonian Labs speakers. 

All the best,
ClearDay.....excellent....he'll send you a trial to audition...won't even charge postage.
@sunnyjim , I just happened across this thread. Did you ever pursue the Grover Huffman speaker cable upgrade?

Thanks to all who responded since my last response and also before.  I have been out of the loop for a while and trying to avoid impulse buying or "audio nervosa"

To stringreen, I 've  seen several  recommendations for   Clear Day speaker cables on this thread, and actually, as mentioned. above, auditioned about 5 years ago, the single Shotgun cable which I thought was very good. I might see if Paul has a 6 ft pair  of the Double ShotGun cable for loan and audition.

To lowrider. I never followed up on Grover Huffman's offer of trading up to his newest speaker cable.  I might just have him terminate them with banana plugs. the bare wire that the previous owner of the cable used.  I love the sound of Harmonic Technology Pro 11+ cable, I  currently use, but they are a 12 ft pair and  awkward to lay out because of their girth and use  with cable risers.  The older model of the Huffman cable sounded very good; and,  I can always use for backup or bi-wiring.  I will probably try the Clear Day Cable and if I think it out performs the HT cable, then I will go with that in a shorter length   

Cheers., SJ..  .