I posted the following on another forum (in a conversation about the Quatros). For those who primarily hang out on the 'gon, I'll repost here:
Another tip (before you finalize your impressions)...this is particularly relevant given the integrated subs in the Quatros...
Download the test tone tracks from http://realtraps.com/test-cd.htm and burn them to a CD. Walk through the tones (in one Hz increments, starting at 10 Hz) and listen for things in your room that resonate. You'll be surprised about what is rattling when you play music: windows, bookshelves, pictures on walls, knick-knacks, etc. That wooden trunk you see in my photo is particularly noisy - between the solid wood construction, the ratios of hight / width / length, the weight of the lid, and that damn metal latch, it sings like a fat lady. Small sticky-back felt pads will become your new best friend (and the cheapest tweak you'll ever do to your system). If you didn't use powered subs before your installed your Quatros, this exercise is well worth the 30 minutes invested.