Supporting Amp/Preamp for Klipsch KLF 20's ?

Greetings to everyone and Merry Christmas.

1st, I am a neophyte and know nothing about audio equipment. However, I love to listen to clean, crisp sounding music at volumes that are a little louder than the average person more likely than not enjoys. That said, I have been through 3 receivers (blown) by driving a very nice pair of Klipsch KLF 20's that I absolutely love. I've read some of the forum discussions regarding 'crossovers' and different types of amplifiers, and I don't understand most of it.

I would like to know how I optimize sound for the speakers with supporting equipment. I am a pretty good online investigator, but I'm not even sure what to investigate. I've also seen options ranging from $5000 and up; I'm priced out of this category for my solution. In other words, what's my 'best bang for the buck' set up for my Klipsch KLF 20's that sit in a room that is 15' by 40'?

Thank you in advance for all of your expertise and help.

Robert, Based on your indicated NAD model options it appears that your budget may have been reduced. No problem there as your speakers are very efficient. I would think the NAD 356BEE to be a good choice, providing a little more power than the 326BEE ( I own this model) for your quite large room and loudness preference.

I do know that many like to drive Klipsch speakers with tube electronics however in your case you seem to like the sound you were getting from your Klipsch models (which i am not familiar with) using SS receivers and the NAD integrated should represent an improvement. I am not sure that a tube integrated is the best choice for an 'audio novice' with your budget. One tube integrated that comes to mind is the Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum which can be had used for $1300-$1500. It is rated at 90wpc, is US made by a good company, and highly regarded in it's price class.
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Greetings again to everyone. First, I want to thank everyone who responded and made such excellent recommendations. So, the state of the union is this:

Over the holidays I became busy with life and taking care of my family, mother and father, leaving my Klipsch KLF 20's on a long vacation consisting primarily of dust collection. Low and behold, while visiting my brother in Vancouver, we 'struck a deal'. I would purchase a welder for him in exchange for his parasound HCA 1000 amp and pre-amp (P/SP-1000) which he would ship to me in Chicago. OK, so fast forward until now when I finally received the pre-amp and amp,......, my brother is a lazy $%%&^%.

So, I 'hook everything up'. Fail,....:-(

Distorted sound and 'popping' :-(

Consult manual and get lost in impedence, 8 Ohm vs 4 Ohm resistance, bypass, etc:-(

I wish to connect my speakers for music only,...., playing CD's.

I need some advice on how to connect everything appropriately from CD player, to pre-amp, to amp. I know this is remedial for everyone here,...., not so much for me:-)



I would suggest reconnecting the speaker wires, paying close attention to make sure no strands of wire are touching across speaker and amp binding posts....then try a different pair of RCA cables between the preamp outputs and amp inputs....if there is still noise try a different cable from the source to the pre also