Supporting Amp/Preamp for Klipsch KLF 20's ?

Greetings to everyone and Merry Christmas.

1st, I am a neophyte and know nothing about audio equipment. However, I love to listen to clean, crisp sounding music at volumes that are a little louder than the average person more likely than not enjoys. That said, I have been through 3 receivers (blown) by driving a very nice pair of Klipsch KLF 20's that I absolutely love. I've read some of the forum discussions regarding 'crossovers' and different types of amplifiers, and I don't understand most of it.

I would like to know how I optimize sound for the speakers with supporting equipment. I am a pretty good online investigator, but I'm not even sure what to investigate. I've also seen options ranging from $5000 and up; I'm priced out of this category for my solution. In other words, what's my 'best bang for the buck' set up for my Klipsch KLF 20's that sit in a room that is 15' by 40'?

Thank you in advance for all of your expertise and help.

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Greetings again to everyone. First, I want to thank everyone who responded and made such excellent recommendations. So, the state of the union is this:

Over the holidays I became busy with life and taking care of my family, mother and father, leaving my Klipsch KLF 20's on a long vacation consisting primarily of dust collection. Low and behold, while visiting my brother in Vancouver, we 'struck a deal'. I would purchase a welder for him in exchange for his parasound HCA 1000 amp and pre-amp (P/SP-1000) which he would ship to me in Chicago. OK, so fast forward until now when I finally received the pre-amp and amp,......, my brother is a lazy $%%&^%.

So, I 'hook everything up'. Fail,....:-(

Distorted sound and 'popping' :-(

Consult manual and get lost in impedence, 8 Ohm vs 4 Ohm resistance, bypass, etc:-(

I wish to connect my speakers for music only,...., playing CD's.

I need some advice on how to connect everything appropriately from CD player, to pre-amp, to amp. I know this is remedial for everyone here,...., not so much for me:-)



I would suggest reconnecting the speaker wires, paying close attention to make sure no strands of wire are touching across speaker and amp binding posts....then try a different pair of RCA cables between the preamp outputs and amp inputs....if there is still noise try a different cable from the source to the pre also