AXPONA 2017 Protocol

I need some wisdom from this community. I'm attending AXPONA for the first time on Saturday, April 22. I specifically want to hear a selection of certain speakers in order to narrow down what I plan on auditioning in my home. So, is it encouraged or frowned upon to bring a USB with various musical selections on it and ask for the USB to play through the systems being demonstrated? Also do any serious price negotiations occur at AXPONA, or is that expected to happen at a later time in a more private setting? Finally, I would appreciate hearing from veteran attenders the absolute one thing I must experience on my one and only day and also the one thing I should not waste my time with at the show.
I look forward to your insights and advice.   
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I'm also on a possible trajectory towards a purchase of the JA Perspectives.  Having heard them several times now...they are special speakers IMO.  One often reads descriptors like "quiet" and "low noise floor" of the Joseph speakers and that's exactly what I've heard.  There is this amazingly low-hash quality to the presentation, like being able to view into a stream through clear water, through which the timbral qualities of voices and instruments emerge with particular individuality and clarity.  They remind me of those times I've bypassed pre-amps - e.g. using passive stages or using my Benchmark Dac directly into my amplifiers.  There is a beautiful black noise floor, a relaxed silence around all the notes when I do this.  Unfortunately to my ears the overall presentation always went more "dark" as well, and with it some instrumental color.  The Joseph speakers seem to present that same feeling of low noise around all the notes, but with full timbral color to the sound.  It's pretty intoxicating if this type of presentation is your bag (and it is, mine).

I am seriously looking at the ProAc D30RS and PSB Imagine T3. But before I settle down, I would love to hear the ProAc D48R and the Spendor D7/D9s. Will travel this summer to audition the loudspeakers.
Thanks @333jeffery. But looks like there are no dealers where I can audition them.
@jriggy Thanks. I'm enjoying the Rowland/Perspectives combo and you are right about that analog set up Jeff Joseph was running at AXPONA. When he clicked that R2R on and the music started, I could feel the room get seriously quiet while the music played. It was very beautiful, breathtaking in some sense, and I probably stayed in that center chair a little too long but I wanted to soak it in. The Rowland Daemon's internal DAC sounded terrific as well playing files from Jeff Joseph's laptop via a microrendu through the USB. After hearing both those sources in that combo, I was hooked.