Psvane 300-B Tubes ? ? ?

Does anyone out there have any experience with Psvane 300-B MKII or their WE300-B Replica tubes ?  

I found the best sound from initially the Sophia Princess mesh-plate 300-B's, then their Royal Princess 300-B's however I'm definitely NOT happy with their reliability, especially the Royal Princess !  
I had a mesh-plate from new have a glowing spot on the mesh-plate, and they told me it was from sitting on the shelf for over a year !  REALLY ! ? ! ?  And I had two Royal Princess tubes go out with less than 600-hours on them, unfortunately well-past 1-yr. warranty.  Left a bad taste...  I'm NOT going back...  
I've tried EH gold-grid 300-B's, Gold-Lion's, JJ's...  All sound somewhat different but the Sophias sounded the best, however in my experience, reliability is questionable...  Thanks...  John  
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In terms of sheer sound quality the best I’ve heard in my amplifier (Coincident Frankenstein MK II SET) in no particular order.
EML XLS, Takatsuki, Elrog and KR XLS.
The Elrog proved to be unreliable in my amplifier (supposedly improved now).
The other 3 are quite reliable.

I used the Shuguang Black Treasure 300b for nearly 3 years and  it is a reliable tube. Good sound quality but not the same level as the upper tier tubes mentioned above (not as expensive either). This is a good value/performance choice of 300b.

Psvane makes good quality tubes but I haven’t heard their W.E.Replica 300b.
I have a Set of gold lions and a set of WE replicas and both are good tubes but I find I listen to the gold lions the most they seem to be some what better in the extremes better highs not rolled off like others and stronger and detailed lows. The replicas do have a slightly warmer mid though but not that much different really. I have not tryed the others so can’t say with those.

Ive had no issues with reliability with either tubes. But my Amp runs them conservatively
Thanks to all of you so far with your supportive comments...  I think that music-reproduction quality is definitely in the ears of the beholder.  No one has said positive things about Sophia's reliability, so I'll keep steering clear of their products.  I have tried the Gold Lion's and JJ's and prefer the sound of the Sophia's over those, however will try the Psvanes...
I have nothing to compare my Sophia Royal Princess 300b tubes against for sound quality, because this is the first 300b that I've tried. I have owned them for almost three years without a hiccup, so I thought that was worth mentioning.
One thing I learned in development of the NiWatt amplifier is that you can’t take anyone’s word for it (I actually knew that).

I’m poking the bear here, but my point is that like any architecture, 300B amplifiers are wildly different and one person’s assessment of a tube plugged into their amplifier is very likely to be different from how that person would respond if he plugged those tubes into your amplifier.

A large majority of 300B amplifiers (when driving appropriate speakers) have a big, fat upper bass and lower midrange. This has been the "knock" on 300B amplifiers, but in fact, the original 300B tube design is very flat in its frequency response. Most of a 300B amplifier’s "sound" comes from the power supply and the driver circuit implementation. Needless to say, these design attributes differ greatly in different designs.

With that disclaimer, if you want a good, reliable inexpensive 300B, get a JJ. If you’re cork sniffing (guilty as charged), pick up a set of Emmission Labs from Tubes USA (no affiliation, but he’s great guy):

Thom @ Galibier Design