Tekton room at the Los Angles Audio Show.

Any reports on the Tekton room at the Los Angles Audio Show?
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Fact is there are lots of people on multiple sites that are singing praises about the DIs. I think the idea that we have any business interest in Tekton is unfounded. 
i will say that with the show impressions I have read stating that dynamics were lacking definitely points to a bad setup or system synergy. Not saying they will be every ones cup of tea but their strong dynamics is undeniable in my room with tube or ss. 
I read about this speaker and other owners at numerous other sites plus contacted several respected and experienced Aphiles, like myself, directly. My eyes are not shut. Owners are really selling off highly reviewed speakers costing over $15,000 for these. Owners that are audio educated and well experienced, The builder is an innovative individual with some fresh ideas that will indeed benefit us all in this hobby/passion. 
Hello all,

Now I personally haven't been to any shows in quite awhile,
It's unfortunate to hear about bad demonstrations on any product,and I'm not referring just Tekton speakers.

At the end of the day,It doesn't matter how good a product is,
If a manufacturer cannot properly market and support their products they are doomed in the end.

Disclaimer,I'm not talking about anyone manufacturer in general I'm referring to all.

I've been this hobby for 31yrs and in that time I have seen quite a few one hit wonders come and go and I'ts unfortunate because they had some unique products to offer but they didn't support them.

Take a look at the manufacturers that have been around a long time and that tells the tale.

Thank You for your wisdom in keeping some sense on this thread gone astray.

I'm gonna ask you again,
Give us something positive to read and maybe tell us something you are passionate about rather than your silly analysis.

Best to all,
