Have you considered the Moerch DP-8? I think that it is at least an interesting design. The arm has weights on outriggers located right at the vertical pivot of the arm. The weights substantially increase the horizontal effective mass of the arm, but, because they are located around the vertical pivot, they don't increase the vertical effective mass substantially. What this is designed to do is to use the higher horizontal movement effective mass to resist movement of the arm from side to side in response to horizontal modulation of the groove. Very low bass is typically mastered in mono so that the groove motion is primarily side to side (if mastered as a stereo signal, the vertical depth change would be too much for the thickness of the record). By the arm not moving in response to the bass modulation, the full measure of the bass is outputted by the cartridge. By keeping the vertical effective mass reasonably low, the arm can still effectively handle warps.
I have not heard the DP-8, but, those who have say the bass response is very strong with this arm. It should be particularly effective with somewhat low compliance cartridges, like Koetsus.
While this purely speculation on my part, high effective horizontal mass of air bearing non-pivoting arms might also account for why they too have strong bass response. I heard this with arms like the Mapenoll, Walker and Kuzma arms.