Subwoofer for classical music listener

This is my second post on the subject of subwoofers.
My first post wasn't specific enough.
I listen to classical music 90% of the time.
Are there any classical music listeners out there who have subwoofers?
if there are, could you let me know what you have?
i don't imagine I would need quite as powerful or expensive a sub as those who mainly listen to other types of music, but I may be wrong.

@audioconnection : I take your point. Believe it or not, I do not own a CD player. Oh, I’ve had many over the years, just gave them all away before I moved. I was thinking about buying a pretty good one for the vintage system downstairs, so it’s not like I’m anti-CD at this point in my life; in fact, I want one precisely because I need access to more music that isn’t available, or only at astronomical prices, on vinyl.
I do use a DSP unit on the subs, as mentioned, but I’m not sure how effective it is at a 50hz crossover point (24 db slope) for the subs.
The reason for my reluctance is I go directly in the mid horn with no crossover whatsoever, and with the Lamm SET, I get great midrange. As a longtime Quad Loudspeaker owner, I lived for the mids (cause there wasn’t a lot else) and want as much of that spooky ’you are there’ quality I can get (which of course is highly recording dependent).
There are undoubtedly some peaks, bumps, troughs, what have you going on in the integrated bass units of the Avantgarde but I haven’t focused on processing those, together with the separate subs, to get a better blend. I’m not even sure if that’s possible, but I’d also have to go back and check the frequency of roll off for the integrated woofers (it’s a numerical designation, not a frequency), and where the mid horn picks up. I just so don’t want mess with mid horn, given the set up, which is minimalist.
I have had it dialed for a long time so the integrated woofers don’t sounded pronounced compared to the horn sound; this means the bass is a bit reticent on the Avantgarde integrated woofers, in order for them to blend better with the horn., As Jim Smith would no doubt say, this is dependent on placement as well as the integrated woofer settings. I do know some people who have done completely digital crossovers for very sophisticated systems; I’m not there yet. I suppose I could buy a digital crossover or the rare analog and sell or return it if I don’t like it. But, that’s where I’m at.
I am planning on having someone come in and do sweeps, measurements and advise on optimal placement. That, to me, will be money well spent, and I think you’d agree, the starting place. My goal is to optimize, rather than buy more equipment, but if more gear (or different gear) is necessary, at some point I will get there. I just had a large isolation transformer installed a few days ago, and am trying to take the sonic "measure" (by ear) of that as it burns in (if you believe it that, I know some reject it as nonsense). I’m in a new room, having just moved a few months ago, and have been working hard to get this thing to sing.
regards and thanks,
bill hart
(((My goal is to optimize,)))
 By the way they are not sweeps
 They are Warbal tones.
 Its not that complected,
 Like i said above.
          Cheers JohnnyR
Now that I have my speakers and subwoofer are more or less in balance, I have another question.  I'm connecting them with cables that are probably too long (25') and very inexpensive (about $100 for 4 individual interconnects) that I bought from SVS.
Would this type of connection benefit greatly with better cabling?
Would it be worth investing in more expensive cables?
I'm happy with the current sound, but, you know, we're always wanting more!
 I don't want to go crazy with exotic very costly cables, but I'm just asking.
rvpiano- looks like you've traveled quite far on your sub journey.

Have you experimented with a power cable yet? I hear  noticeable difference when I swapped the stock cord. The "shape" of bass notes present themselves as more believable.

Naturally.. .YMMV

tablejockey:  Yes, I've come a long way.  Still traveling.
Thanks for he tip. 
Where would I attach the power cable?