Someone suggested to listen to the DI's on YOU TUBE which I just did. It would be great if a couple of more people could do the same. I know it is not perfect but it does give you a good idea on how they sound.
I know Eric has always been anti grill cover. With this size and possible going in my great room the only way I could accomplish that with my wife is to have grill covers. Can you get grill covers for these speakers? If so, can you get in a color other than black. I am thinking about Mercedes Silver in an automotive finish with a silver grill.
My plan would be to buy these and compare them to the Wilson Audio Duette 2's that I have. Whatever sounds better i keep.
I know Eric has always been anti grill cover. With this size and possible going in my great room the only way I could accomplish that with my wife is to have grill covers. Can you get grill covers for these speakers? If so, can you get in a color other than black. I am thinking about Mercedes Silver in an automotive finish with a silver grill.
My plan would be to buy these and compare them to the Wilson Audio Duette 2's that I have. Whatever sounds better i keep.