Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

It seems that fetguy is just stirring it up a bit to have some fun. I can tell though that those types of comments are what I encountered when I decided to venture into the world of SET amplification. Yep, we’ll meaning yet condescending in nature.

Of course the irony is that the SET provided the most open, transparent and nuanced sound I’d ever experienced up to that point. It was another real life illustration of how stereotypical warnings can be so utterly wrong. We live and we learn.

This thread has demostrated quite convincingly the Double Impacts are sucessful with SS or tubes, high and low power. Exceptional flexibility for all potential users.

When teajay (Terry) writes about the superb results he has heard using low powered SET amplifiers (knowing that he’s used the powerful Pass Labs amplifiers with these speakers) it is very compelling. He appears to be getting the best sound from his system he’s ever heard (if I’m reading him correctly) with the Triode Labs 2A3 SET. 
I’m impressed with the various amplifiers you’ve heard with the Double Impacts. I suspect that your First Watt S.I.T. is quite a special SS amplifier either as stereo chassis or mono blocks (S.I.T.1). No doubt that you are having much fun 😊
Someone suggested to listen to the DI's on YOU TUBE which I just did.  It would be great if a couple of more people could do the same.  I know it is not perfect but it does give you a good idea on how they sound.  

I know Eric has always been anti grill cover.  With this size and possible going in my great room the only way I could accomplish that with my wife is to have grill covers.  Can you get grill covers for these speakers?  If so, can you get in a color other than black.  I am thinking about Mercedes Silver in an automotive finish with a silver grill.  

My plan would be to buy these and compare them to the Wilson Audio Duette 2's that I have.  Whatever sounds better i keep.  
Hi Willgolf, 
Now that is one interesting comparison.  A 2 way monitor vs the large floor standing full range 3 way Double Impacts. This will be a fun direct comparison to read about. Should be very insightful as the design parameters are so different. 
Good luck, 
Transconductance .... transresistance....

It all goes away with that great uniter, music.

Steve Coleman is making that happen right now. And aptly: 'Invisible Paths'  :)