Mazikrav, if the Guy Hammel preamp/buffer stage you referred to is this model, or is something similar in its impedance characteristics, it would certainly provide excellent impedance compatibility with just about any amplifier in existence. As well as with most source components, aside for certain tube-based models.
But if it provides just a tiny bit of gain as you mentioned you still would not be able to drive many amps to their maximum power capability when listening to LPs. If you were to go to a significantly more powerful amp than the F3, though, the amp itself would **probably** provide enough additional gain for that to not matter, as it would probably put out enough power anyway. Generally speaking there is a **loose** correlation between the gains of various amplifiers and their maximum power capabilities.
The F7 and many of the other higher powered First Watt models may be exceptions to that, however, because a downside of their minimalist signal paths is unusually low gain relative to their power ratings. For example, the F7 has a specified gain of only 14 db, while like most Pass Labs amps the XA30.8 which Kenny mentioned has a gain of 26 db. That means the F7 would require four times as much input voltage as the XA30.8 to provide a given amount of output power. That can be a significant issue in many cases involving the combination of a vinyl source and a passive preamp, or a passive preamp plus a buffer stage providing minimal gain. And the fact that the sensitivity of the Brilliance is about 5 db less than that of the DI just adds to the potential significance of that issue.
When you develop a short list of potential amplifier candidates, let us know and this issue can be looked at more specifically.
-- Al
But if it provides just a tiny bit of gain as you mentioned you still would not be able to drive many amps to their maximum power capability when listening to LPs. If you were to go to a significantly more powerful amp than the F3, though, the amp itself would **probably** provide enough additional gain for that to not matter, as it would probably put out enough power anyway. Generally speaking there is a **loose** correlation between the gains of various amplifiers and their maximum power capabilities.
The F7 and many of the other higher powered First Watt models may be exceptions to that, however, because a downside of their minimalist signal paths is unusually low gain relative to their power ratings. For example, the F7 has a specified gain of only 14 db, while like most Pass Labs amps the XA30.8 which Kenny mentioned has a gain of 26 db. That means the F7 would require four times as much input voltage as the XA30.8 to provide a given amount of output power. That can be a significant issue in many cases involving the combination of a vinyl source and a passive preamp, or a passive preamp plus a buffer stage providing minimal gain. And the fact that the sensitivity of the Brilliance is about 5 db less than that of the DI just adds to the potential significance of that issue.
When you develop a short list of potential amplifier candidates, let us know and this issue can be looked at more specifically.
-- Al