First, let me say what I value most in music reproduction is tone, timbral accuracy, texture, density, weight of the orchestra, and less the musical artifacts of a recording.
Second, while listening I turned my volume up from 10 to 12 o'clock. Too loud for my wife, she left the room, 18x20x9.
No matter the volume I had a well defined stage, wall to wall, with good depth. I could clearly/easily place the various instruments within that stage. I believe to my ears I heard the total orchestral texture, correct timbre, tone, weight of that orchestra. I think my Cary 280, 50 triode PP watts would slightly put a little more meat on the bones, my Primaluna Dialogue One less (sold both of those units). I must say I enjoyed this piece by Hindemith immensely. I want to let you know top to bottom my combo got it all, very satisfied. Best, mikirob
p.s. I did not hook up my LTA preamp, just used the built-in volume control on the Dynamo. The Preamp would improve everything slightly from my experience. Also, as good as the DeVore's are I have a real burn to obtain the Double Impacts. I have too much good stuff right now including Harbeth HL5s, plus the older Tektons.